Japanese Zodiac Signs with Tabane Noshi Design [Photo Frame Included]
[Japanese Zodiac Signs]
From the top right
子 Mouse
丑 Cow
寅 Tiger
卯 Rabbit
辰 Dragon
巳 Snake
午 Horse
未 Sheep
申 Monkey
酉 Rooster
戌 Dog
亥 Boar
Tabane Noshi is one of the Kimono designs.
Tabane = Bundle
Noshi = When you're giving gift to your family and friends or offering gift to a shrine/temple, you put Noshi (Paper) on the gift for celebratory events. The Noshi used to be made with dried abalone which meant "longevity, health and happiness" was used to decorate on the gift.
Tabane Noshi design became popular in the Edo era on the kimono as auspicious patterns.
I desinged the Tabane Noshi and used indigo washi paper/chiyogami paper to create it.
Japanese zodiac signs are written in seal script inspiration and written over with gold ink with how to pronounce each animals.
-Photo Frame Included-